Whenever one imagines an Indian person going to Europe, the default destination would be, of course, the UK. While true in essence – Britain hosts roughly half of the European diaspora – the other half of hundreds of thousands of Indian nationals have also settled across the continent. In this article, we look at the best countries in Europe to live and work in for Indians and some highlights on employment and residence there, including related money matters.
Overall, between 1990 and 2019 (here and elsewhere, the latest available data), the number of Indian immigrants in Europe had grown from around 89,000 to almost 526,000, a six-fold increase. Before Brexit, the UK was considered the best European country to migrate from India to, with 50% of Indians settling there. Germany and Italy followed, hosting around 18% and 12% of Indian expats, respectively. By 2021, the situation had somewhat changed, and the best European countries for Indians were Italy, Germany, and Spain.
Top 3 EU issuers of residence permits to Indians, 2021
Issuing country | Number of residence permits (‘000) | Share in total (%) |
Italy | 162 | 26.8 |
Germany | 105 | 17.3 |
Spain | 48 | 7.9 |
Other | 290 | 47.9 |
However, the picture is different if we look at those who have just found the best country in Europe to live and work in for Indians, that is, get their first residence permit in the EU. The leading countries here are Italy, the Netherlands, and Ireland: each welcomed around 11,000-12,000 new Indian residents in 2021.
Interestingly, Indians top the list of foreign nationalities acquiring this type of permit in Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, and Sweden. In other countries, such as Belgium, Denmark, Cyprus, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, and Switzerland, they are in the top three. Apparently, while many still consider Italy and Germany as the best places to live in Europe for Indians, a growing number of expats start viewing other destinations, such as Ireland or Sweden, as the new best European countries for Indian nationals to settle in.
But what about the best European country to work in? For Indians looking for employment in the EU, it would be interesting to know that, overall, nearly 46,000 work visas were issued to Indian nationals in Europe in 2021. The leaders here are Portugal, with around 6,000 permits, followed by the Netherlands (4,900) and Italy (4,770). By the way, in the decade between 2008 and 2018, Italy, which by many is viewed as the best European country to migrate from India to and is home to one of the largest Indian diasporas in continental Europe, witnessed a significant decline in the number of work visas issued to Indians, whereas Germany, Netherlands, Poland, and Portugal had recorded the opposite trend.

EU Blue Card for Indians
A special visa regime for the employment of highly qualified foreigners has been adopted across the EU, except for Denmark and Ireland (which, in other regards, are both very promising as the best European country to live in for Indians). Commonly known as the EU Blue Card, it lays out the conditions of entry to and residence in the EU for this type of applicants and their families. Note that it is for employees only, not self-employed people and the applicant must earn 1.5 times above the national average.
Some facts (2021)
· The total number of EU Blue Cards granted was 28,966. The leaders were Germany (19,500), Poland (2,980), and France (1,300)
· Almost 6,500 Indian citizens benefitted from the programme, more than any other nationality
· 16,500 residence permits were issued for family members of EU Blue Card holders.
Judging from the number of such permits issued, the best places to live in Europe for Indian professionals should be the following.
Top issuers of the EU Blue Cards to Indian citizens, 2021
Issuing country | Number of EU Blue Cards | Share in total (%) |
Germany | 4,996 | 78.1 |
Poland | 576 | 9.0 |
Luxembourg | 243 | 3.8 |
Other | 584 | 9.1 |
Total | 6,399 | 100 |
To move to the best European country to work for Indians under the EU Blue Card regime, one must submit the following documents:
· A work contract for a period of 6 months or more (or a binding job offer)
· Proof of professional qualifications
· Valid travel documents/visas
· Health insurance policy.
While it is clear which European country is the best for Indian specialists (still Germany!), here is an interesting breakdown of the Blue Card-eligible professions.
EU Blue Cards granted to Indian citizens by type of occupation
Occupation | 2013 | 2018 |
Managers | 19 | 132 |
Chief executives, senior officials, legislators | 0 | 5 |
Administrative & commercial managers | 7 | 10 |
Production & specialised services managers | 12 | 115 |
Hospitality, retail & other services managers | 0 | 2 |
Professionals | 35 | 408 |
Science & engineering professionals | 16 | 110 |
Health professionals | 1 | 2 |
Teaching professionals | 1 | 4 |
Business & administration professionals | 10 | 76 |
ICT professionals | 7 | 182 |
Legal, social & cultural professionals | 0 | 34 |
Unknown | 2,562 | 7,627 |
Total | 2,644 | 8,167 |

Digital nomad visas
In addition to the EU Blue Card, many European countries have started offering the so-called Digital Nomad Visa for location-independent professionals (primarily working in IT and marketing, but not only) from outside the EU. To help you choose the best country to live and work in for Indians as digital nomads in the EU, here is more information about it here.
Work, migration, and politics
The crucial point is to learn about the best European country for Indian nationals regarding their social security contributions. Often Indians employed in Europe must comply with local obligations but cannot claim the benefits and/or are subject to paying double, both in Europe and India. To solve this issue, the Indian government has signed social security agreements (SSAs) with 14 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland. There are also negotiations underway for a similar agreement with the UK. Plenty of options from which to choose the best country to live and work in for Indians!
An SSA is a reciprocal agreement which enables employees in a foreign location to pay social security contributions in their home country and allows for exemptions and social security benefits, such as medical services, in the hosting country. Considering, for example, how expensive a visit to a doctor in Europe can be, this is a point to keep in mind when choosing the best European countries for Indians.
Additionally, one may explore other types of relevant agreements in place. For example, in 2022, India signed the Comprehensive Migration and Mobility Partnership with Germany, a guidance for the citizens in the areas of studies, research and mutual work. A similar deal is reported to be negotiated with Italy. This is another evidence that Germany and Italy’s reputation as the best countries to live and work in for Indian nationals is well-deserved.
Sending money to India
Regardless of their destination and status in the EU, many Indians work and support their loved ones back home. India has been the largest recipient of international money transfers for decades. Between 2010 and 2018, remittance flows from the EU to India increased by 3.5% annually. In 2022-2023, more than $107 billion flowed into the country as international money transfers. The best European countries for Indians sending money home were, unsurprisingly, the UK, Germany, and Italy, followed by France, Spain, and the Netherlands.
Such impressive growth is inevitable as more and more Indians working in Europe discover the convenience of online money transferring solutions, such as Profee. As a fully licensed European provider, it allows users to send money to 40+ destinations from whichever ‘best’ country to live and work in for Indians there is in Europe. A state-of-the-art fintech solution, Profee is highly secure and user-friendly, offering a seamless experience through both a web-based service and an iOS/Android app. The registration is by phone and only takes a minute. Immediately after signup, our customers can transfer up to €1,000, and there are simple and fast verification procedures for those who need to send more.
Thanks to its unique market monitoring system, Profee’s EUR/INR exchange rate is highly competitive. Moreover, the service is fully transparent about its fees, and there are no hidden charges on money transfers to India: the sender can always see the final amount in the converter before any money is sent. If you need to send money from Europe to India, visit www.profee.com or get the app from the App Store or Google Play to see for yourself how easy, efficient, and straightforward the experience is.
We hope you have already found the best place to live in Europe for Indians and can support your loved ones back home. Share this article with friends willing to follow your example in pursuing their dreams to help them decide which European country is the best for Indians to live and work in.