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How to find Indian events in London and other UK cities | Profee Blog

How to find Indian events in London and other UK cities

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The UK is a melting pot of cultures, with the Indian community playing a pivotal role in its rich tapestry. From the bustling streets of London to the serene landscapes of Scotland, there are myriad opportunities to experience the vibrant Indian culture. This guide will help you navigate the best ways to discover Indian events in London and other UK cities, ensuring you stay connected to your roots while enjoying the best Indian experiences the UK has to offer.

Exploring Indian events in London

It's truly exciting to see how the UK, especially London, embraces the rich cultural heritage of India. From grand festivals to intimate music concerts, there is always something happening for everyone. While we've compiled a list of the most popular and regularly updated websites for finding Indian events not only in London but also around the world, it can be a bit overwhelming. These platforms cover a vast array of Indian shows in London and Indian concerts in the UK, making it easier for you to stay connected with your culture.

Thamarai Events

Thamarai is your ultimate destination for discovering Indian cultural experiences in London and other parts of the UK. The platform offers a detailed list of events, including Indian music concerts in the UK, Indian theater shows in the UK, and other Indian events in London. Thamarai's regularly updated listings ensure you never miss out on the latest Indian cultural events in London and throughout the UK.

In this selection you can find the nearest Indian shows in London.


Eventbrite is a popular platform for finding and booking tickets to a variety of events, including those centred around Indian culture. Whether you're interested in Bollywood concerts in the UK, classical music nights, or cultural festivals, Eventbrite makes it easy to find and attend these events.

For those interested in Bollywood concerts UK, here is a collection of events.

And here is a compilation of all the Indian events in London. Use the filter, then you will be able to find an Indian event to your liking.

How to find Indian events in London and other UK cities | Profee Blog
Exploring Indian events in London


AllEvents.in is another excellent resource for discovering Indian events in London. The platform provides a wide range of listings, from community gatherings and dance performances to religious festivals. Whatever your interests, AllEvents.in has something for everyone.

Check out Indian events here.

Bridge India

Bridge India is a non-profit organization that connects the Indian community in the UK through various events. These include cultural shows, discussions, and networking opportunities, providing a space for meaningful engagement and cultural exchange.

Here you can find Indian shows in the UK and concerts, lectures and educational events.

How to find Indian events in London and other UK cities | Profee Blog
Exploring Indian events in London

Discovering Indian shows and concerts across the UK

Indian cultural events aren't just confined to London. Here are some tips to find Indian events in other UK cities, including Indian concerts in the UK and theatre shows.

Local community centres and cultural associations

Many cities have Indian community centres and cultural associations that regularly organize events such as Indian music concerts in the UK, theatre shows, and traditional festivals. Check with your local community centre or association for information on upcoming events.

University Indian societies

Universities with significant Indian student populations like University of Surrey or Cambridge University often have active Indian societies that host various cultural events. These can range from Diwali celebrations to Indian music and dance performances. Follow these societies on social media or visit their websites to stay updated on concerts and Indian theatre shows in the UK.

How to find Indian events in London and other UK cities | Profee Blog
Discovering Indian shows and concerts across the UK

Social media and event pages

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are great for finding Indian events in your city. Many event organizers use these platforms to promote their events. Join local groups or follow pages dedicated to Indian culture and events to get regular updates on Indian music concerts in the UK and Indian shows in London and other countries.

Convenient money transfers with Profee

While enjoying the rich tapestry of Indian events in London, you might also need a reliable way to transfer money to India. Profee offers a seamless and favourable online money transfer service, providing the best exchange rates from euros to rupees, even better than those found on Google. With 0% commission, Profee ensures that more of your money reaches your loved ones in India.

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