
Profitable transfers from EUR to RUB!

With Profee, the EUR to RUB exchange rate is close to the market one.

Current rate EUR 1 = RUB 97.522358
*The exact rate will be displayed before the transfer confirmation
Euro Russian Ruble

How to convert

Profee is an online money transfer service with a beneficial currency exchange rate. We boast an in-house monitoring system for cross-currency transfers – thanks to it, the EUR-RUB exchange rate is close to the market one. What’s more, we guarantee that sending money with Profee is secure – and at a low fee!

How to transfer EUR to RUB?

Enter the transfer amount and the required data.
Check your currencies: you are sending EUR, and the receiver will get RUB.
Enter the payment details and confirm your transfer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current exchange rate for Euro to Rubles?

In our currency converter, EUR to RUB exchange rates are updated regularly to ensure you have the latest information. It's important to check the exchange rate before making any conversions to get the most accurate and up-to-date rates.

Profee is an online remittance company with a European licence. We offer money transfers to more than 65 destinations around the world and provide favourable exchange rates so you get the most value for your funds.

Can I convert EUR to RUB via Profee?

Yes, you can easily convert EUR to RUB via Profee. Our platform provides a seamless and efficient way to exchange currencies. Simply use our universal currency converter tool, and you'll be able to convert your currency at competitive rates.

See why you should choose Profee:

  • Clarity and dependability: We emphasise clarity and dependability, making sure you get the optimal exchange rate for your money transfers.
  • Client contentment: Our dedication to client contentment ensures you can rely on us to manage your transactions with security and efficiency.
  • Universal global converter: Our global currency converter enables you to monitor multiple currencies conveniently.
  • Exclusive promo rates: We provide exclusive promotional exchange rates for specific destinations. Sign up for our newsletter, enable in-app notifications, and follow us on social media to stay informed about what we offer.

How can I convert Euro to Rubles?

Converting Euro to Rubles is straightforward with Profee. Use our universal currency converter by entering the amount of EUR you want to convert to RUB. The converter will automatically display the equivalent amount in Rubles based on the current exchange rate. The exchange rate from Euro to Russian Rubles is updated consistently.

  • Open the currency converter on the Profee app or website.
  • Select the currency pair.
  • Enter the amount you wish to convert.
  • The rate will appear.

How often does the EUR to RUB rate change?

The EUR to RUB exchange rate can fluctuate frequently due to market conditions. We update our rates regularly to reflect the latest market data. Profee uses a smart monitoring system to keep up with the latest exchange rates.

Beneficial exchange rate for any amount!

Euro / Russian Ruble exchange rate

Russian Ruble / Euro exchange rate

*The exact rate will be displayed before the transfer confirmation
Transfer EUR to RUB

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