
Profitable transfers from GBP to INR!

With Profee, the GBP to INR exchange rate is close to the market one.

Current rate GBP 1 = INR 111.3
*The exact rate will be displayed before the transfer confirmation
British Pound Indian Rupee

How to convert

Profee is an online money transfer service with a beneficial currency exchange rate. We boast an in-house monitoring system for cross-currency transfers – thanks to it, the GBP-INR exchange rate is close to the market one. What’s more, we guarantee that sending money with Profee is secure – and at a low fee!

How to transfer GBP to INR?

Enter the transfer amount and the required data.
Check your currencies: you are sending GBP, and the receiver will get INR.
Enter the payment details and confirm your transfer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current GBP to INR exchange rate today?

Learn about the exchange rate from GBP to INR today in our currency converter tool. It is regularly updated to provide you with the latest information.

Rates are key when transferring funds overseas, as they often determine the final amount your receiver will get. Remit GBP to INR today with market-beating rates via Profee. We are a licensed European company offering fast, safe, and affordable transfers.

How can I convert GBP to INR?

To convert GBP to INR, use our universal currency converter tool. Simply enter the amount of UK Pounds you’d like to convert, and we will display the equivalent amount in INR based on the current exchange rate. Profee rates are always beneficial thanks to our smart monitoring system.

Support loved ones regardless of the distance. Send money to those you care about and make their day special with Profee.

Where can I find the best exchange rate for GBP to INR?

Finding a favourable exchange rate is essential when sending money to India. Here at Profee, we offer beneficial exchange rates. Check out our universal currency converter tool. We update the information regularly to reflect the latest market rates, ensuring you get the most competitive one available.

If you like what you see in the converter, sign up to Profee and start remitting with us today. The registration process is straightforward and takes less than ten minutes to complete. Your first transfer to India comes with a promo exchange rate. Learn more by downloading the Profee app or visiting our website.

Can I convert UK Pounds to Indian Rupees via Profee?

Yes, you can easily convert Pounds to Indian Rupees via our platform. Our converter tool provides a seamless and efficient way to exchange currencies at beneficial rates.

Transfer to India without worrying about losing money on currency exchange rates. Support your loved ones back home with a reliable online remittance company. Sign up today and get a promo exchange rate on your first zero-fee transfer.

How often are exchange rates updated?

The GBP to INR exchange rate is updated regularly. To get the most accurate one for your transactions, check our converter tool, which provides real-time updates to ensure you have the latest information.

Beneficial exchange rate for any amount!

British Pound / Indian Rupee exchange rate

Indian Rupee / British Pound exchange rate

*The exact rate will be displayed before the transfer confirmation
Transfer GBP to INR

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