
Profitable transfers from GBP to PKR!

With Profee, the GBP to PKR exchange rate is close to the market one.

Current rate GBP 1 = PKR 372
*The exact rate will be displayed before the transfer confirmation
British Pound Pakistani Rupee

How to convert

Profee is an online money transfer service with a beneficial currency exchange rate. We boast an in-house monitoring system for cross-currency transfers – thanks to it, the GBP-PKR exchange rate is close to the market one. What’s more, we guarantee that sending money with Profee is secure – and at a low fee!

How to transfer GBP to PKR?

Enter the transfer amount and the required data.
Check your currencies: you are sending GBP, and the receiver will get PKR.
Enter the payment details and confirm your transfer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current exchange rate for GBP to PKR?

In our currency converter, GBP to PKR exchange rates are routinely updated to provide you with the latest information.

Profee, an online remittance company with a European licence, offers competitive exchange rates for sending money to over 65 destinations worldwide. Join Profee today to convert and remit money globally with a safe and dependable company. Support your loved ones back home while getting the best value for your funds.

How do I convert Pounds to Pakistani Rupees?

Converting GBP to PKR using our universal currency converter is a straightforward and hassle-free process:

  • Open the currency converter on the Profee app or website.
  • Select the UK Pounds to Pakistani Rupees pair.
  • Type in how much you wish to exchange.
  • Get results instantly!

The exchange rate from Pounds to Pakistani Rupees is updated regularly to ensure accuracy. The final converted amount will be displayed in our calculator, and there are no unexpected hidden fees to worry about. This transparent process ensures that you always know exactly how much you will receive.

Can I convert GBP to PKR via Profee?

Yes, you can easily convert Pounds to Pakistani Rupees via Profee. Our platform provides a seamless and efficient way to exchange currencies. Simply use our universal currency converter tool, and you'll be able to convert your currency at competitive rates.

By choosing Profee, you get:

  • Universal converter: Profee’s universal currency converter enables you to monitor multiple currencies conveniently in one app.
  • Security: We are a licensed European company.
  • Client-oriented: Our dedication to client satisfaction ensures you can rely on us to manage your transactions with security and efficiency.
  • Exclusive promo rates: We provide promotional exchange rates for specific destinations. Sign up for our newsletter, enable in-app notifications, and follow us on social media to stay informed.

Can I check the GBP to PKR live exchange rate?

Yes, you can do it in Profee’s converter. Exchange rates naturally fluctuate with shifts in market conditions. Profee uses a smart monitoring system to keep up with the current exchange rates. That’s how we manage to offer competitive rates so that our clients can send money on favourable terms. Send your love and care to friends and family, no matter where they are. Show how much they mean to you—sign up to Profee today and start transferring.

Beneficial exchange rate for any amount!

British Pound / Pakistani Rupee exchange rate

Pakistani Rupee / British Pound exchange rate

*The exact rate will be displayed before the transfer confirmation
Transfer GBP to PKR

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