iPhone raffle winner revealed!

iPhone raffle winner revealed!

5 minutes

In December 2023, we launched a festive season campaign. Any Profee client who sent a transfer of at least 200 EUR by the year’s end was eligible to win an iPhone!

In January 2024, we chose the winner among hundreds of our clients residing in different countries and sending money to different destinations. We contacted the winner to confirm the prize.

It is with great pleasure that we share the news that the lucky recipient is an Indian residing in the beautiful locale of Cyprus. The enthusiasm surrounding this announcement has prompted us to go the extra mile – we will personally present the coveted iPhone to our winner in Cyprus in the Profee office. We can't wait to share these memorable shots with our community.

Good news for those who participated and didn't clinch the prize this time! Our commitment to engaging activities continues throughout 2024. From special terms for new transfers to promos on special occasions, we are dedicated to making remittance flawless and enjoyable for those who send money with us.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone partaking in the raffle. Congratulations once again to our winner in Cyprus.

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