Relationships can change. People go through a lot together, supporting each other in difficult situations and celebrating achievements and victories. They say that if you love each other, you can get through anything together - but what if circumstances force you to be apart for a long time?
Research recently conducted by British scientists has shown that about twenty percent of people are ready for long-distance relationships. However, most respondents would not like to be far from their loved ones. According to the same study, if people do not live with a partner, the comfortable travel time to see each other should not exceed twenty minutes.
And yet, many people have to go through separation—sometimes for a few days and sometimes for several months. Commonly, a husband goes away to work (especially on a fly-in, fly-out, and seasonal basis) while the wife stays at home. It may be because it is easier and cheaper for one person to relocate rather than go with a wife and children.
Of course, separation for several weeks or even months can be a test for both partners. Even if they have been together for a long time, being away from each other can be difficult. Luckily, there are ways to support a strong relationship.
Long-distance relationships: helpful tips
Try not to ask for too much It is only natural to miss your partner, as is trying to make up for the lack of live contact with online communications. But do not forget that your loved one may not have time to engage in texting or shooting videos. Therefore, to maintain a long-distance relationship, you need to come to terms with the idea that communication may become less intense.
Create new rituals Even the most unemotional people will probably miss having breakfast together, going for weekend walks, or having TV nights. You can replace these activities in a long-distance relationship by creating new rituals and routines. For example, consider making playlists for each other, watching movies online together, and calling each other at the same time of the day. A shared routine can help both of you feel much more relaxed. Here is a simple example: if a husband works away and sends his wife money twice a month, on the tenth and twenty-fifth, this will give a sense of stability to both of them.
Remember what is important When you are far from each other, it is easy to lose track of time and forget about an important date. If both partners are around, problems of this kind are easy to solve, but what can you do in a long-distance relationship? Both partners should discuss such issues in advance and not hesitate to remind each other about important events.
Set common goals A concrete plan can make it easier to overcome difficulties. For example, if one spouse leaves for seasonal work abroad to earn money for a new car, and the other spouse stays home, thinking about a common goal can benefit both. Instead of focusing on the emotions during the forced separation, they can talk more about a future purchase.

Apps for long-distance relationships
When you have to separate for a long time, try an application where you can count the days until you meet again. With Between, you will not forget about important dates—the application synchronizes your calendars. You can also use it to review shared photos, talk in a private chat, and much more.
It is an ideal app for those who like to watch TV series together. No more worrying about how to start watching an episode simultaneously.
Money transfer apps are not the most romantic in the world, but they sure help save relationships. Profee clients are people from different countries with different incomes and lifestyles. However, there is one thing they all have in common—they care about their loved ones. If a spouse leaves for work, they can send money to their partner with just a couple of taps. Profee does not ask for unnecessary data and makes the transfer process as simple and safe as possible.
Furthermore, you can send money quickly. For example, if you forget about your partner’s birthday and do not have time to buy a gift, you can use Profee — and the money will instantly reach your partner’s card. And for those who send transfers regularly, you can conveniently save card data. Finally, Profee is profitable: the service charges minimal commissions. What’s more, there is currently no commission on first transfers. Profee has an excellent exchange rate for cross-currency transfers that is always as close as possible to the market rate. This way, you get more money when transferring from euros to the national currency. It can be especially relevant for those saving money for larger purchases while waiting to see their loved ones again.
This application is an excellent alternative to social networks for those who want to feel closer to each other and strengthen their long-distance relationships. It allows partners to share photos taken in real time without editing or filters. In addition to sharing photos, you can chat privately through the app, keep a shared diary, and much more. A long-distance relationship can develop in different ways, and it can definitely become an exciting stage in your life as a couple and help you get more connected.