Profee becomes the Best Global Remittance Company-2023

Profee becomes the Best Global Remittance Company-2023

2 minutes

The results of the annual FinTech Awards were recently announced by Wealth and Finance International, a prominent media for business and digital professionals. Profee was honoured to become one of the winners and received the title of the Best Remittance Company-2023.

The Fintech Awards took place for the seventh time in 2023, praising individuals and companies from around the globe. According to the awards’ curators, the event celebrates individuals and companies contributing to the fintech industry. Experts highlight a positive growth tendency in the industry and predict it will reach $1.5 trillion in annual revenue in the next few years. Such an ambitious forecast makes advancing in fintech both challenging and exciting.

In 2023, so far, we at Profee have added more than a dozen countries to the list of money transfer destinations and have expanded the list of available payment methods by introducing Sofort for the customers. We aim to keep the pace of improving the Profee transfers to offer the best global remittance service to our clients.

Mărcile comerciale, logo-urile și alte elemente grafice și textuale aparțin deținătorilor drepturilor respective. Nu promovăm mărci terțe, toate informațiile fiind furnizate doar în scop informativ. Faptele menționate în articol sunt valabile la data de Sep 06, 2023 - termenii și condițiile Profee pe care vi le oferim chiar acum, vă așteaptă aici.

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Transfers to Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are now available with Profee

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Profee expands transfer destinations | Profee Blog
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Profee expands transfer destinations

Profee has expanded its geography. Customers in the EU countries and the UK can now send funds to eight new destinations: Egypt, Ghana, Jordan, North Macedonia, Serbia, South Africa, Tunisia, and Uganda.