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  • Profee removes commission for money transfers to Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan
Profee removes commission for money transfers to Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan

Profee removes commission for money transfers to Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan

5 minutes

Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan have been added to the list of countries where one can send commission-free money transfers from Europe (excluding the UK) via Profee. The promotion campaign will run from March 9 to August 31, 2023.

However, no commission is charged for remittances to Georgia only if the transfer is credited to an account in the local currency (Georgian lari - GEL). When receiving a transfer in Euros, the standard service fee of 1 EUR will be charged, regardless of the transfer amount.

Mărcile comerciale, logo-urile și alte elemente grafice și textuale aparțin deținătorilor drepturilor respective. Nu promovăm mărci terțe, toate informațiile fiind furnizate doar în scop informativ. Faptele menționate în articol sunt valabile la data de Mar 09, 2023 - termenii și condițiile Profee pe care vi le oferim chiar acum, vă așteaptă aici.

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