Profee removes the commission for the first transfer for all new clients.

Profee charges 0% fees for the first transfer

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At Profee, we are always happy to greet new customers. We want more people to try sending money with Profee and to enjoy their experience. Therefore, we removed the commission for the first transfer for our new clients.

If you registered a Profee account on February 1st, 2023, or later and have yet to send money, we will not charge the service fee for your first transfer. You may send money from any country available, to any destination we offer, choose the currency and the payment method from the ones we have – in any case, your first Profee transfer will be commission-free!

If you are already using Profee, it is high time to recommend the service to your friends – and to get a reward from Profee!

Товарные знаки, логотипы и другие графические и текстовые элементы принадлежат соответствующим правообладателям. Мы не рекламируем сторонние бренды, вся информация носит ознакомительный характер. Упомянутые в статье факты действительны на Jun 09, 2023 – условия Profee, которые мы предлагаем вам прямо сейчас, ждут здесь.

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