Most expats from Kenya in Germany or other European countries face the challenge of choosing the best apps to send money to Kenya. In this article, we’ll explore three apps to send money to Kenya, Wise, Remitly, and WorldRemit, and introduce you to an alternative: Profee.
Why sending money from Europe to Kenya online is a wise choice
If you have ever searched for how to send money from Europe to Kenya, you should have seen options like bank transfers, cryptocurrency and cash pickups. Let’s be honest; each of them is not perfect.
- Bank transfers come with a price: The fees are usually high, and the transfer may take several days or more, so it’ll be hard to send financial support on time in an emergency.
- Cryptocurrency is fast but complicated. To understand how to receive money from Europe using crypto platforms, you have to do extensive research, which is time-consuming and tiring. Plus, every cryptocurrency transfer is stressful because of potential scams.
- Cash pickups are inconvenient when you send and receive money from Europe. You must find a time slot to visit a pickup point, which may be troublesome in our fast-paced world.
On the other hand, online apps are an excellent choice because they offer simplicity. Here’s how to send money online to Kenya
- Registering;
- Choosing the countries;
- Entering all the transfer details;
- Confirming.
It’s much easier than using traditional methods. Online money transfer services stand out among the ways to send money to Kenya because they provide the comfort and speed that we, people of a modern era, need. Imagine you’re sitting on your sofa, sipping coffee and watching a favourite movie. Suddenly, your parents ask you to add a little bit of funds so they can buy a new washing machine. You can do it when you get the message with the best apps to send money to Kenya. Yes, fast, easy and without being disturbed from your daily routine. Let’s explore the apps to send money to Kenya and choose the one that feels right.

Wise is a popular online banking service in Europe. When you search for how to send money from Europe to Kenya, it will definitely show up.
In this article, we’ll check the Trustpilot comments about each service and provide an honest review to find the best money transfer to Kenya option.
Wise is rated 4.3/5 stars on Trustpilot, which is not bad. Let’s see what the clients say about the advantages of this way to send money to Kenya.
Some users highlight that Wise is a convenient financial app. It’s suitable for those who wonder how to send money to Kenya easily.
Some people find the app and transfer speed pleasant and give Wise five stars. The service knows how to send money online to Kenya fast.
Expats need someone to talk to so they don’t feel lost. Clients of Wise say that the customer support in the app is friendly and always ready to help.
It seems pretty good so far, but we have to be cool-headed and objective when searching for how to send money from Europe to Kenya, so let’s look at the negative reviews, too.
If you want to find the cheapest way to send money to Kenya, Wise may not be the wisest choice (we couldn’t miss this chance to play with words). Some clients admit that the fees are unfair and that there are less pricey options on the market.
Some clients are being asked for too much documentation to prove their identity, and it’s sometimes getting complicated to find the papers that Wise requires. It’s probably not the best money transfer to Kenya option if you want to avoid complex verification processes.
Sending money from Europe to Kenya is safe when you know the scam schemes and how to avoid them. However, if one is not educated on that topic, they may lose money. In this case, the Wise app was not safe enough, as the person got scammed and received no help from the service.
Let’s move to Remitly app reviews to find out what is the best way to send money to Kenya.

Remitly is an Amercian-based money transfer company. It’s widely known and trusted by people all around the world.
The app is rated 4.6/5 stars on Trustpilot, slightly higher than Wise. Without further ado, we will discuss its pros and cons.
Some transfers arrive instantly, and customers are satisfied with them. Indeed, receiving money from Europe should be fast. The instructions on how to receive money from Europe are also clear.
People admit this is one of the cheapest ways to send money to Kenya. With great rates and pleasant fees, Remitly attracts customers who want to save money without spending too much. Do you want to save more? Read our article for some budgeting advice for African expats.
We won’t stop talking about how important healthy and quick communication with the services is for expats. Remitly understands that and provides help to its clients whenever they have issues or questions.
Is it the best money transfer to Kenya services, though? The negative reviews will tell us.
Some say that Remitly suspends their transfers and blocks accounts for no reason. They waste time and effort registering and setting up a transfer, so being blocked should feel stressful and annoying.
Certain cases show that Remitly is not among the most secure ways to send money to Kenya because sometimes funds get stuck. It’s uncommon, but it happens sometimes, so Remitly clients should be careful with their funds.
Remitly, like Wise, tends to require too much documentation when checking clients’ identities. This frustrates some people, who don’t understand why the company asks for so much personal information. Seems like it’s not the best money transfer to Kenya option.
Before searching for how to send money from Europe to Kenya with Wise or Remitly, let’s check another option: WorldRemit.

The company was founded in the United Kingdom in 2010 and has significant experience transferring money abroad. So, how to send money from Europe to Kenya with WorldRemit, and is it worth it? Let’s see the reviews.
WorldRemit has a 3.7/5 score on Trustpilot. Pros and cons include the following:
Some customers compare rates between services and conclude that WorldRemit offers a fair deal.
If you ask, “How to receive money from Europe fast?” loyal customers will answer, “Use WorldRemit.”
Customers have no problems navigating the app. A client-friendly interface is important when understanding how to send money to Kenya.
What about the disadvantages?
You cannot recover or cancel your transfer. Customer support does not give clear instructions, and the service is limited overall.
Sometimes, transfers are lost and delayed, which frustrates the clients. The worst part is that people don’t know how to contact the service and are forced to wait until the problem is solved or forget their funds.
Sandor’s story is heartbreaking. He sent money to his wife to finance their wedding and initially got blocked on WorldRemit because the transfer amount was too significant. He tried to prove the goal of the funds, but the e-mail was ignored. What is the best way to send money to Kenya to prepare for a celebration? It seems like it’s not WorldRemit.

Profee—an alternative
Profee is an online money transfer service which stands out among the ways to send money to Kenya because:
- It offers 0% fees for all transfers to Kenya, so you can support your loved ones without spending extra money.
- You get the promo rate for your first transfer, so trying Profee out is beneficial and safe.
- M-Pesa and Airtel are available as delivery options, ensuring a smooth and fast process for Kenyan expats.
- How to receive money from Europe with Profee? When funds arrive, your recipient may rest at home or work. They don’t need to download the Profee app or go to a bank. Receiving is simple and lovely.
- There are no hidden fees. Profee values transparency, so what you see is exactly what the recipient will get.
Try Profee out today and make your first smooth and beneficial transfer to Kenya.
In this article, we discussed how to send money from Europe to Kenya and compared four services. You can choose whatever you like, follow your mind and heart, and remember that Profee is always ready to provide a seamless and pleasant transfer experience.