
Send money
from the United Kingdom
to Moldova

exchange rate
Card-to-card transfers
in 2 minutes
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Sent easily. Received smoothly

Send money from the United Kingdom to Moldova easily

You may send money from Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay, Google Pay

To receive a transfer, there is no need to register at Profee. The money can be sent to Visa, MasterCard

Trusted reviews

Learn more about our clients’ experience:

Simple way to send money

Choose a transfer amount

Enter the amount and currency you will be transferring, and choose the recipient country.
Profee step one - choose sender's country and card

Sign up

Complete the simple and free registration to ensure the security of your money transfer.
Profee step two - register

Add transfer details

Enter the card details for the sender and recipient and confirm the transfer.
Profee step three - recipient's card

Delivery of the funds

Once you submit the instruction for your money transfer, we will deliver your funds within minutes. In case that a currency conversion is required we will exchange it at up to 8x cheaper than the banks.
Profee step four - money received
Profee step one - choose sender's country and card
Profee step two - register
Profee step three - recipient's card
Profee step four - money received

Make your transfer today

from the United Kingdom to Moldova

Profee licensed company

Your money is 100% protected!

Here at Profee your security is our priority. We are a licensed company and we are committed to complying with the regulations of the financial institutions of the European Union. All money transfers are certified by Visa, MasterCard, regulators and are PCI DSS certified.

Profee customer support

We are here to help

Our global customer support team is here for you. We speak different languages in a few time zones, so we never miss your request!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I send money to Moldova from the UK?

The Moldovan community is geographically widespread, with its members residing in various countries across the globe. When living abroad, the question of how to send money from the UK to Moldova may become a complex matter. If going to a bank is not an option because of high fees and hidden costs, try Profee. It is an affordable and efficient alternative to wire transfers. Follow these five steps to send your first online remittance:

  • Type in the amount and currency you’re sending;
  • Mark Moldova as your destination country;
  • We will display the most beneficial GBP to MLD rate and show the final amount your recipient will get;
  • Create a Profee account—it is fast and free;
  • Enter the transfer details and pick a payment method;
  • You’re done!

What are the costs of a money transfer from the UK to Moldova?

When your family relies on you, and you need to send money internationally often, hidden fees and unfavourable rates should have no place in your life. Profee money transfers are entirely transparent.

Make a money transfer from the UK to Moldova with little to no fees while knowing how much you’re paying upfront. Enjoy a profitable exchange rate when sending money overseas with Profee.

Is it safe to send money to Moldova from the UK?

As an EMI-licensed European company, we take your privacy and security seriously. You can make remittances without worrying about the safety of your data and money online. Learn why Profee is the best way to transfer money from the UK to Moldova in terms of safety:

  • Profee strictly follows EU regulations;
  • We get certified in accordance with PCI DSS security standards every year;
  • We implement several extra measures such as two-factor authentication and the usage of Tier4 data centres;
  • Still not convinced? Check out our Trustpilot page to read the reviews of real Profee clients.

What are the other benefits of sending money from the UK to Moldova?

To make your money transfer experience even better, we offer special treats. Take part in our referral programme to get bonuses—invite as many friends as you’d like. Additionally, you can follow our latest deals for new clients and regular customers. Make an online money transfer from the UK to Moldova with Profee today!