
Send money
from the United Kingdom
to Ukraine

exchange rate
Card-to-card transfers
in 2 minutes
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Sent easily. Received smoothly

Send money from the United Kingdom to Ukraine easily

You may send money from Visa, MasterCard, Apple Pay, Google Pay

To receive a transfer, there is no need to register at Profee. The money can be sent to Visa, MasterCard

Trusted reviews

Learn more about our clients’ experience:

Simple way to send money

Choose a transfer amount

Enter the amount and currency you will be transferring, and choose the recipient country.
Profee step one - choose sender's country and card

Sign up

Complete the simple and free registration to ensure the security of your money transfer.
Profee step two - register

Add transfer details

Enter the card details for the sender and recipient and confirm the transfer.
Profee step three - recipient's card

Delivery of the funds

Once you submit the instruction for your money transfer, we will deliver your funds within minutes. In case that a currency conversion is required we will exchange it at up to 8x cheaper than the banks.
Profee step four - money received
Profee step one - choose sender's country and card
Profee step two - register
Profee step three - recipient's card
Profee step four - money received

Make your transfer today

from the United Kingdom to Ukraine

Profee licensed company

Your money is 100% protected!

Here at Profee your security is our priority. We are a licensed company and we are committed to complying with the regulations of the financial institutions of the European Union. All money transfers are certified by Visa, MasterCard, regulators and are PCI DSS certified.

Profee customer support

We are here to help

Our global customer support team is here for you. We speak different languages in a few time zones, so we never miss your request!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I send money to Ukraine from the UK?

The UK is home to diverse communities of different backgrounds, and the Ukrainian one is no exception. Our mission is to help clients stay connected to their loved ones back home, no matter where they are. Experience fast, easy, and secure transfers at a beneficial rate with Profee. Treat your loved ones in one of the 65+ countries worldwide.

Learn how to send money to Ukraine from the UK:

  • Select Ukraine in the online calculator;
  • Pick currency and transfer amount—we will display the most beneficial GBP to UAH rate and show the final amount your recipient will get;
  • Complete a quick registration process;
  • Type in your and the recipient’s transfer details and specify a payment method;
  • All done! Your money is being delivered.

How much does a money transfer to Ukraine from the UK cost?

Global money transfers can be really pricey, especially when remitting with a typical bank. If you don’t want to pay hidden fees and extra charges, Profee is just the right fit for you. We offer our clients the cheapest way to send money to Ukraine from the UK. Take advantage of our favourable exchange rates and minimal fees on international remittances. Profee is one of the cheapest and safest options out there.

Protip: Copy the referral link from your account and share it with friends. Invite people unlimitedly and get rewards you can later use for sending money with Profee.

Is sending money to Ukraine from the UK safe?

Your peace of mind and the safety of your funds and data online are our top priorities. We enable our customers to make money transfers to Ukraine from the UK without worrying about security. Here’s why you can trust Profee:

  • We’re an EMI-licensed company adhering to EU regulations;
  • We get annually certified according to PCI DSS security standards;
  • We use Tier4 data centres, providing the highest level of protection;
  • Our clients have rated our transfers as Excellent on Trustpilot. Visit our page to read real people’s reviews.

How fast is it to send money to Ukraine from the UK with Profee?

We believe sending an online money transfer to Ukraine from the UK should be quick and easy. With Profee, your money transfer usually reaches the recipient in a few minutes. To optimise the process further, you can save your payment details and send further transfers with a tap.